Dragon Quest builders [PS3 ] woes…
works on my shop pc i3, old NVidia, win7 pc
-hangs on my home pc i7, old AMD, win10 pc
-modded files works on ps3 emulator
-modded files hangs on ps3 ODE
How would I even start porting the English translation when I can’t even test it properly. After all the trouble coding an PS3/Vita phyre to image DDS extractor… Maybe modded files only work for CFW/JB?
Hey, i would love to have this game translated to EN-US or PT-BR! Want some help? i’ve a fully updated CFW (Rebug 4.81.2) with PSN connection!
Would you please share some of your work , you’re leaving us on fire
hmmm… I haven’t bug tested it yet, kinda busy… Maybe I’ll just upload a beta build, If I find time to make a proper patch.
Any progress on this? Even if it is just for the CFW PS3 community, we’d love to have it!