Category: Uncategorized

Site update 2…

So, a lot of things happened. Life happened, learned a bit to self-host my stuff and my wife’s production environment, learned a bit of doing a solar energy set up then hook it up on my home server. So yeah, I could probably host my website for archival reason and keep those post/instruction/links alive with less to no cost on the bill.

Also, some dude is stealing content and posting a lot of translating stuff from different releases and robbing the creators of their hard work by repacking, removing readme, no info about the release nor creators and releasing stuff on their name. Might as well keep the site up so all the links that points to this site don’t get mislead to unknown repacked sources.

Having 2 emergency visits and a week in the hospital for the last two months of 2023 and another emergency visit at New Year’s Eve of 2023. Can’t believe I’m even writing this right now.
So yeah, health sucks but in a much better condition. So please don’t expect new translation/translation ports… Probably. Hopefully I’ll update the dead links whenever I’m able to do so.

Site update…

As life finally caught up with me, getting married last year and due to financial situations. I can no longer maintain the site, my hobby, make mods or pay fees to keep this site up.

My VPS server and domain will expire in a few weeks, so grab anything you can get. I believe this site have a cache on the internet archive and have mirrors on the Vita mod database, though I’m also canceling my google drive so you might as well grab it before it’s gone.

I might be able to host this site again for archival reason after a year or two, though this domain might not be available anymore and will be on another domain until things in life get stable.

It’s been a long, good run, thanks for supporting my mods and translation.

-floyd / froid_san

The Site is Up!

Well after a month of the site being down due to being hacked (the irony) it’s now live again.

The site kinda wonky as featured images are not working and maybe some other stuff’s, but releases and links are now working.

Hope to get everything back and running soon. I may know some game modding stuff’s but I don’t know a thing bout these web thingy.

Note to self, Do not trust Seagate drives

HDD decided to die on me. It’s a 3TB drive and reporting as a 4.1GB drive.

All my life worth of projects(past/ongoing/soon-to-do), collected tools, created scripts, vita modding stuff, vita homebrews, whole 250GB downloaded steam library, recorded gameplay, Nand backups, work stuff.

All gone.

Dunno if I can start modding again or just retire in this stuff entirely as this is quite depressing and really demotivates me to do anything else.

One of my regrets is that I never manage to upload the Spanish fix for Catherine:FB on vita since it’s finished and just finalizing the readme and patcher.

Gun Gun pixies lewd mod port for Nintendo Switch

Been using some Switch game assets to port translations to the PS Vita, this time I want to give something back to the Switch.

I wanted to port the translation to the switch but it does not work on the emulator and I only got a patched-switch can’t really do anything bout that, so I’ll just port some mods as practice. This has requested a few times on me on GBAtemp as I already did the same mod with the Vita and PC versions. So why the heck not. Got nothing better to do during EQC.

Fixed to support game update 1.01
○ Removes light/soap bubble/black scribble/band-aid censor when all clothing is destroyed
○ Sweet chocolate DLC is modded and can be used as Nude mod for the playable characters and Dorm characters once unlocked

○ Hacked hacked Switch
○ This lewd mod patch

How to patch (Windows):
01. Install the Game on your Switch install the game latest game update and DLC
02. Test the game if it working fine.
03. Extract lewd patch rar to a folder. ex: “GGP_NX_patcher”
04. Dump the armHD_dat.cpk and armHD_nx.cpk from your game using your switch or with PC tools
05. Copy the armHD_dat.cpk and armHD_nx.cpk to “GGP_NX_patcher” you just extracted
13. Run patch_files.bat, follow its instruction and wait for it to finish patching
14. Copy the [atmosphere] folder and overwrite the [atmosphere] in your micro SD card.
15. Play the game.

Additional Notes:
○ I never owned a hacked switch and just tested this on an emulator, so let me know if it works.
○ If there are major bugs and you want it to be fixed, contact me and send a screenshot of it.

Lewd mod windows Xdelta patcher

Moving in…

Hello guys, I’ve created this site so I could move my dirty translation projects here, other console related hacks and also some things that’s going around inside my head.

Dragon Quest builders [PS3 ] woes…

works on my shop pc i3, old NVidia, win7 pc
-hangs on my home pc i7, old AMD, win10 pc
-modded files works on ps3 emulator
-modded files hangs on ps3 ODE

How would I even start porting the English translation when I can’t even test it properly. After all the trouble coding an PS3/Vita phyre to image DDS extractor… Maybe modded files only work for CFW/JB?

why do I hack/translate games?

Its a way to return a favor and keep the cycle going, cause there always some other dude will hack/translate other game from any platform for other losers like me to play with…It keeps us inspired, hopeful in life, Unwinds us form the stressful reality and having these games (VN) and hacking makes me sane and out of jail (as for now)