To Love Ru Darkness: Battle Ecstasy – English translation [JP] [PCSG00330] [Vita] [English translation] v1.05

English translation demo preview


After another long hiatus finally finished another translation project upon the request of one of my good friends at vita3k. I never thought I’d do another translation project as life/health has been catching up on me. But my friend’s enthusiasm for the game kinda motivates me enough to do this project. So, for the fan of the manga and anime, you may thank him for this translation.

The game may not be for everyone’s taste because of the fan services and boobies. But hey, somebody got to do the dirty work with these games.

This is translation using machine/AI translation and then edited by a non-English speaker to make it a bit understandable. I’ll plan to release the Quickbms scripts I’ve created to rip/repack the *.cat files in the future here my blog. So, anyone could fix the translation if they want to or translate it to another language. I just need time to fix my scripts so they would be a bit user-friendly. Just don’t expect a clean code, as I’m also no programmer.

Change log: v1.05

What’s currently done:
○ All Character event text
○ All Character dialog at home
○ Story dialog
○ All Boss Battle text skit
○ All Costume/DLC names
○ All Weapons/Parts/Drops text
○ Tutorial text
○ Tutorial in-game images fixes
○ All Menu texts
○ All image format text
○ A few fonts edits/adjustment
○ Karaoke subs on the OP FMV
○ Credits

What’s not translated:
○ Trophies
○ Name Tags on characters swimsuits
○ Manual

Known bugs:
○ Some image text may appear too small or squished
○ Let me know if you found another one.

Additional Notes:
○ Use vitacheat sparingly or disable it after a dungeon run.
○ Vitacheat can cause screen flickering when enabling Max combo cheat
○ Vitacheat may cause a permanent issue to your save file, like being unable to activate event points on chapter 12 if you kill the enemy with an instant kill cheat.
○ Vitacheat may also cause you to be unable to activate some challenge mission and will carry over to your save and won’t reset until you make a new one.
○ A crash is most likely to occur on stages 20-25 when you kill many enemies on screen in a short period (ex.. 50 enemies in 5 sec) with cheats with or without the English patch. Killing enemies without instant kill does not trigger the crash.
○ You can play as Riko after finishing the game by stepping in the teleporter and pressing SELECT upon entering the dungeon.
○ The game auto-saves after an event or exiting a dungeon. This is the only way to save the game.
○ This game and english patch is working on Vita3k

PS VITA Requirements:
○ Vita game Title ID: PCSG00330 + game update version 1.01
○ Hacked Vita (Enso/h-encore 3.60/3.65/3.74)
○ Repatch plugin (installed on the Vita and verified working) (dots-tb rePatch reDux0 does not work on 3.74, use SonicMastr/rePatch-reLoaded on vita higher than 3.65)
○ NoNpDrm plugin (installed on the Vita and verified working)
○ re00d v1.1/0syscall6
○ Vitashell
○ FTP program (Winscp recommended, for decrypted file dumping)
○ This English patch

There are no full games here, Please do not make a request. If you cannot follow the instruction on how to dump and patch your own game, please check elsewhere like google or reddit for those pre-patched files.

Files linked are xdelta differences patch files, it does not contain games nor resembles game codes or contents and won’t function or usable on their own. You must have a hacked console to be able to dump your own game for these patch files to work and use the mods.

English windows xdelta patcher for rePatch v1.05 for Vita (160 MB)

How to patch decrypted Vita files (Windows):

Video Reference:

[Chapter 1: Preparing]
1. Install the Game on your Vita or insert the cart and also install the game update v1.01
2. Test the game if it’s working fine.
3. Extract the English patch archive to a folder. ex: “TLRD-BE_patcher_v1.05”

[Chapter 2a: Decrypting game via Vitashell]
1. Using Vitashell browse gro0:app/ (if cart) or ux0:app/ (if a PSN game)
2. Highlight the PCSG00330 folder and press Triangle -> then select Open decrypted, then Press Select and connect Via FTP
3. Using your favorite FTP application on the PC, browse gro0:app/ (if cart) ux0:app/ (if a PSN game)
4. Copy PCSG00330 folder to the PC (TLRD-BE_patcher_v1.05\decrypted_backup folder) and rename it to PCSG00330_base
5. Browse ux0:patch/ on your Vita again using Vitashell.
6. Highlight the PCSG00330 folder and press Triangle -> then select Open decrypted again on FTP application on the PC, browse ux0:patch/
7. Copy PCSG00330 folder to the PC (TLRD-BE_patcher_v1.05\decrypted_backup folder) and rename it to PCSG00330_update

[Chapter 2b: Decrypting game via psvpfsparser on PC]
1. Using Vitashell, enable USB/FTP connection by pressing [SELECT] 2. Copy the [PCSG00330] inside the ux0:app/ (if a PSN game) or gro0:app/ (if cart) and copy it to the PC [TLRD-BE_patcher_v1.05\encrypted_backup\app\] folder)
3. Copy the [PCSG00330] inside the ux0:patch/ and copy it to the PC [TLRD-BE_patcher_v1.05\encrypted_backup\patch\] folder)
4. *OPTIONAL* copy the [nonpdrm] inside the ux0: partition and copy it to the PC [TLRD-BE_patcher_v1.05\encrypted_backup\] 5. Run [1. Decrypt_game_asset.bat] follow its instruction and wait for it to finish decrypting the files.
06. When decrypting is done, there should be a [decrypted_backup] folder created.

[Chapter 3: Patching decrypted asset]
01. Run [2. Apply_ENG_patch_v1.05_to_decrypted_asset.bat], follow its instruction, and wait for it to finish patching.

How to install English patch files on Vita:

1. Using Vitashell copy the [repatch] folder inside the [Copy_rePatch_folder_to_VITA_ux0] folder to the ux0: partition of your Vita via USB or FTP. Be sure you have NoNpDrm and rePatch plugin (v3.0) installed and work properly on other games.
2. Run the game.

Alternatively, you can just copy it directly to your micro-SD card if you are using an SD2VIta card or USB/HDD if you are using a Vita TV.

How to install English patch files on Vita3k (PC emulator):

1. Install the game and game update according to Vita3k instruction and test if the game is working fine and exit the game.
2. On the game seelction screen, right click the game and select Open Foldcer -> Application.
3. Copy all the contents inside the \Copy_rePatch_folder_to_VITA_ux0\rePatch\PCSG00330\ to the folder by your Vita 3k Emulator, in example C:\Users\yourPCusername\AppData\Roaming\Vita3K\Vita3K\ux0\app\PCSG00330
4. Run the game.


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