English translation demo preview


After another long hiatus finally finished another translation project upon the request of one of my good friends at vita3k. I never thought I’d do another translation project as life/health has been catching up on me. But my friend’s enthusiasm for the game kinda motivates me enough to do this project. So, for the fan of the manga and anime, you may thank him for this translation.

The game may not be for everyone’s taste because of the fan services and boobies. But hey, somebody got to do the dirty work with these games.

This is translation using machine/AI translation and then edited by a non-English speaker to make it a bit understandable. I’ll plan to release the Quickbms scripts I’ve created to rip/repack the *.cat files in the future here my blog. So, anyone could fix the translation if they want to or translate it to another language. I just need time to fix my scripts so they would be a bit user-friendly. Just don’t expect a clean code, as I’m also no programmer.
