Just resumed translation after the long holiday. Made some correction a friend whos is beta testing pointed out and also found some text needs some fixing. Info about the characters seemed to be injected properly on the Status screen, but looks like the game tips have limitation on character length or max characters used…
Category: Status Updates
Natsuiro High School: Seishun Hakusho 9/1/2016 status update
finally made my code work and extract all text scripts from Script.cat and script2.cat The have a slight difference in file structure so it took me a while to figure it out
repacked is done for script2.cat hopes it works for script.cat, but I’m confident it will work since I made sure the output .txt has the same structure as the script2
But there is one major problem…
UPPERS 11/15/2016 status update
Things are going smoothly as planned. Just minor cosmetic changes and grammatical corrections needed and a beta release might be released soon as I finished ironing stuffs out. I’ve been busy in real life because of the Christmas season, so it might get delayed.
UPPERS 10/27/2016 status update
– Finished making repacker to make my job much easier
– it seems that replacing a swizzled 2d image with a linear 2d image before converting it back to .gxt and repacking works.
– so it doesn’t matter what compression you used on the 2d texture as long as its supported by the psv and have the right dimension and alpha channels
– its safe to say all images are moldable and replaceable with another format.
– text looks fine, with a minor problem with spaces, maybe the unicode value for 0x2000 is not mapped in the font table.
– thought it was bug, but i just messed up and used too many line breaks
Natsuiro High School: Seishun Hakusho 8/24/2016 status update
* edited most sign board graphics that are essential for easy exploration.
* tutorial images translation done
Natsuiro High School: Seishun Hakusho 8/19/2016 status update
fixed the bug on my .cat extractor and manage to code an txt extractor for the files inside the mail.cat.
kindda messy and produces 2k+ txt files to be translated, it’s gonna be a paint making an excel translation guide with this setup. Maybe i should code another one that’s easy to import on excel…
Natsuiro High School: Seishun Hakusho 8/14/2016 status update
Almost done…
Quest translation 100% done, only 65/1850 lines to re-edit and re-inject woohoo! then test, retest, check all mods, double check, then release!
probably another 6 months for the email/text messages translation if I got motivated enough lols.
Natsuiro High School: Seishun Hakusho 8/11/2016 status update
News on my Natsuiro Highschool Translation Project
Been on a hiatus for a few months cause I’m busy with Real life and helping out on the New Love Plus+ Translation. I was planning on going to left the signboards in Japanese since I cant find/manage to edit them before, but thanks to my involvement on the NLP+ translation I was forced to level up myself and finally figure out how to edit those sign boards that somewhat crucial to the game so you won’t get lost on achieving your quest.
Sorry for the long delay, and I’m still working on this game so keep in touch.
Natsuiro High School: Seishun Hakusho 7/15/2015 status update
I’ve started on late June and finally made a P.O.C. of the new translation hack project I’ve been working on for the PS3. Most menu’s are translated, also some menu descriptions… the script? naaah! I won’t touch that unless I’ve got everything done. You could check out the related video’s of the game to see how it looks like originally ^^
Check it out and don’t forget to drop a message about my shameful act
Natsuiro High School: Seishun Hakusho 7/1/2015 status update
that took a lot of work just to change a few buttons…
well at least I confirmed a lot of stuffs and it’s working on a ps3 console… and now the next step is some text editing… then we can see if it’s fully hackable…