Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth Hacker’s Memory – TV Anime Sound Ed. [JP] [Korean mod beta patch] [Vita]
Since I’ve already made some tools for translation mod of Digimon games (CS & HM) for vita, and saw a request for a Korean patch, so I’ve just quickly made one since the game already have a hidden Korean language file.
This is a beta patch and it’s up to you to test since I can’t speak the language, though I’ve played the game for a bit to see if it worked fine and all I’ve modified are the text files.
What’s done:
○ Enable/Use the build-in Korean language inside the game
○ Probably some images still remain in english since there are no Korean files equivalent inside the game.
○ Also the some FMV still remains in English, especially the intro FMV. All other voiced FMV have Koean subtitles.
○ Hacked Vita (Enso/h-encore 3.60/3.65/3.68/3.69)
○ Repatch plugin (installed on the Vita and verified working)
○ NoNpDrm plugin (installed on the Vita and verified working)
○ reF00D plugin if on 3.60 firmware (installed on the Vita and verified working)
○ Vitashell
○ FTP program (Winscp recommended)
○ This Korean patcher
Files linked are xdelta differences patch files, it does not contain games nor resembles game codes or contents and won’t function or usable on their own. You must have a hacked console to be able to dump your own game for these patch files to work and use the mods.
Korean windows xdelta patcher for rePatch beta2 (268 MB)
How to patch your game (Windows):
01. Install the Game on your Vita or insert Cart and also the game update v1.05
02. Test the game if it working fine.
03. Extract Korean patcher archive to a folder. ex: “DSCSHM-TVASE_patcher”
04. Using Vitashell browse gro0:app/ (if cart) or ux0:app/ (if a PSN game)
05. Highlight the PCSG01126 folder and press Triangle -> then select Open decrypted
06. Press Select and connect Via FTP
07. Using your favorite FTP application on the PC, browse gro0:app/ (if cart)
or ux0:app/ (if a PSN game)
08. Copy PCSG01126 folder to the PC (DSCSHM-TVASE_patcher folder) and rename it to PCSG01126_base
09. Browse ux0:patch/
10. Highlight PCSG01126 folder and press Triangle -> then select Open decrypted
11. Again on FTP application on the PC, browse ux0:patch/
12. Copy PCSG01126 folder to the PC (DSCSHM-TVASE_patcher folder) and rename it to PCSG01126_update
13. Run patch_decrypted.bat and Press Y then ENTER and wait for it to finish patching
How to install:
1. Copy the contents of inside Copy_to_VITA_ux0 folder to your Vita’s ux0 folder, be sure to have NoNpDrm and rePatch plugin (v3.0) properly installed and working.
2. Run the game.
Additional Notes:
○ Checkout TheRadziu NoNpDRM-modding guide for more info about dumping decrypted vita files.
○ Tested on a Slim and Fat 3.68 h-encore and 3.65 Vita TV.
○ If there are major text bug’s and you want it fixed, contact me and send a screenshot of it or the text before or after the text bug.
I deeply thanks to you jamitsumida