Kamen Rider – Battride War Sousei [JP] (Partial fan translation english patch v0.35 alpha) [Vita]

Still a alpha translation patch and few important menu text and descriptions are translated. Actually, I was still working on this since November last year, but work keeps getting in the way, so I plan just to release the unfinished alpha patch after I moved my project page/site to this new host/domain.

What’s done in the v0.35 beta patch:
○ Some menu and menu description text/images
○ Some item/equipment and description text
○ Some shop items and description text

What’s not translated:
○ All dialog
○ Other menu and menu description text/images

○ Hacked Vita (Enso/h-encore 3.60/3.65/3.68)
○ Repatch plugin (installed on the Vita and verified working)
○ NoNpDrm plugin (installed on the Vita and verified working)
○ Vitashell
○ FTP program (Winscp recommended)
○ This English patch

There are no full games here, Please do not make a request. If you cannot follow the instruction on how to dump and patch your own game, please check elsewhere like google or reddit for those pre-patched files.

Files linked are xdelta differences patch files, it does not contain games nor resembles game codes or contents and won’t function or usable on their own. You must have a hacked console to be able to dump your own game for these patch files to work and use the mods.

English rePatch files only v0.35 (12MB)

How to install:
1. Install the base game, game update and all free DLC first
2. Run/check the un-modded game if it’s running properly (optional)
3. Copy “Repatch” folder to ux0, be sure to have NoNpDrm and rePatch plugin (v3.0) properly installed and working.
4. Run the game

※ Tested on a Slim and Fat 3.68 h-encore and 3.65 Vita TV.


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