Initial D: Extreme Stage [JP] (Partial English translation mod patcher) [PS3]

This is just a beta English patch to a supposedly partial English patch of
Initial D: Extreme Stage, that I have unfortunately put on hold and stopped
working on since 12/24/2014 due to some issues that I’ve never got hold of
the modified images a friend of mine was working on and got busy with my
other projects. I’m just releasing it now since some might have a use for
it and enjoy the game partially patched even though not completed and wont
just be wasted hiding privately on my pc.

I have not fully bug tested this since 2014 and just made a patch from my last
working backup and tested a bit. There are a lot of version of this game and
this patch is specifically for Initial D: Extreme Stage [BLJM60055]. Not sure
if I’m able to revive this project but I’ll try to have a look again and maybe
port it to the BLJM50053 version with is a much more common version of the
game and also have a IRD useful for verification of the integrity of the files.

How to patch:

Copy the 2d.xdelta, car.xdelta, EBOOT.xdelta, patch.bat and xdelta3.exe
inside your Initial D game directory run patch.bat and wait for it to
finish. Copy your BACKUP folder just in case you failed to make a whole
backup of your game and you can delete 2d.xdelta, car.xdelta, EBOOT.xdelta,
patch.bat and xdelta3.exe inside your Initial D game directory.


There are no full games here, Please do not make a request. If you cannot follow the instruction on how to dump and patch your own game, please check elsewhere like google or reddit for those pre-patched files.

Files linked are xdelta differences patch files, it does not contain games nor resembles game codes or contents and won’t function or usable on their own. You must have a hacked console to be able to dump your own game for these patch files to work and use the mods.



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