Akiba’s Trip Undead & Undressed [US] (Uncensored mod patcher v5) [Vita]
Ported the mods from the PC version to the Vita version and added some with the help of /u/asdronin and /u/doa5yea from reddit.
What’s done:
Removed additional panties (female non-npc’s)
Modded archive TOC to be able to inject a file due to file size
Added indication for mod patch version on the title screen (good for indicating if repatch works on your setup)
Removed All Bra’s and Panties
Band-aid’s Censor Removed
Put some Nipples on the breast
Light Censor Removed
○ Hacked Vita (Enso/h-encore 3.60/3.65/3.68/3.69)
○ Repatch plugin (installed on the Vita and verified working)
○ NoNpDrm plugin (installed on the Vita and verified working)
○ Vitashell
○ FTP program (Winscp recommended)
○ This Uncensored mod patcher
Files linked are xdelta differences patch files, it does not contain games nor resembles game codes or contents and won’t function or usable on their own. You must have a hacked console to be able to dump your own game for these patch files to work and use the mods.
Uncensor mod windows xdelta patcher for rePatch v5 (5.92 MB)
Uncensor mod windows xdelta patcher for rePatch v5 [EU version – PCSB00640] (3.39 MB)
How to patch your game (Windows):
01. Install the Game on your Vita or insert Cart
02. Test the game if it working fine.
03. Extract English patch archive to a folder. ex: “ATUUS_Uncensored_patcher”
04. Using Vitashell browse gro0:app/ (if cart) or ux0:app/ (if a PSN game)
05. Highlight the PCSE00428 folder and press Triangle -> then select Open decrypted
06. Press Select and connect Via FTP
07. Using your favorite FTP application on the PC,
browse gro0:app/PCSE00428/RomImage_PSP2_US/ (if cart)
or ux0:app/PCSE00428/RomImage_PSP2_US/ (if a PSN game)
08. Copy volume.dat file to the PC (ATUUS_Uncensored_patcher folder)
09. Run patch_decrypted.bat and Press S or B then ENTER and wait for it to finish patching
10. Copy the contents of inside Copy_to_VITA_ux0 folder to your Vita’s ux0 folder & overwrite all
11. Play the game.
How to install:
1. Copy the contents of inside Copy_to_VITA_ux0 folder to your Vita’s ux0 folder, be sure to have NoNpDrm and rePatch plugin (v3.0) properly installed and working.
2. Run the game.
Additional Notes:
○ Tested on a Slim and Fat 3.68 h-encore and 3.65 Vita TV.
○ For bug reports, just message me by googling froid_san or happydance.
Thanks for the mod. I’ve installed it here, though, and while the vendor lights are gone and the nipples show up, everyone’s still wearing underwear. Is there a way for me to fix this?
please make a video installation tutorial 01
No puedo instalar el mod, por favor haga un video tutorial 02
Me encanta tu mod sin censura, pero no sé cómo instalarlo 03
Works with european version?
Not really sure, since I haven’t check the EU version yet. If the EU version is multi language its probably not compatible, since multi language games contains more data than a regular 1 language US game.
Having underwear here too. Is there a way I can fix it?
does your game’s title screen looks like this?? https://ibb.co/T1yRp9g
Sorry, froid-san. I tried deleting the volume.dat file and now I can’t patch it again. I transfer over from the Vita to the PC using FileZilla but it gives me a CRC mismatch 🙁
My CRC is A9B9AB4E0781863D4E7A8C23E1A438F9. What’s wrong?
It just got english nothing else.
hello here I bought myself on the ps store us of my ps tv in 3.65 the original games plus the dlc I have henkaku and vitalshel I did what was undicate the conditions to apply the patch on the volume dat original ca a to work after I transfer them via ftp to my ps vita but once I launch the games I have an error message C2 – 12828 – 1 suddenly my games do not start I try again the message of error keeps coming back I wanted to know where did the error come from thank you
Where’ the PC mod? I don’t care about Vita. I want these anime tiddies on my 35″ PC monitor
Originally the mod was on PC and this Vita mod was based on it with additional improvements.
Original PC mod here https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=849102716
Info for people who don’t want to use FTP:
After opening decrypted just copy the files to some other place on your Vita memory and later copy those ones to PC via USB.
It worked for me.
hey, it doesn’t work for me. I followed every step but after selecting B or S I get a window that says:
QuickSFV v2.36
Copy_to_VITA_ux0\rePatch\PCSE00428\RomImage_PSP2_US\volume.dat FAILED
1 file checked
There was 1 missing file
I realized my what I did wrong! I did what that Lem guy said and things worked out. Thanks Froid San, you can disregard these two comments.
I’m getting a weird error. I’ve copied to the PC after doing the open decrypted step. But when I copy it to the ATUUS_Uncensored_Patcher_v5 folder, and try to run the patcher from there, it says there’s a file missing, and when I coy it to the folder that pops up after you run the patcher for the first time (I tried it with the PC version’s volume.dat first, to see it that changed anything for the PC version) Specifically the very END folder, it says CRC Mismatch.
just grab the pre-patched file from reddit
Is there any chance of getting this to work on the PC version? Any mod for this game is basically based off that initial steam PC mod and then never updated while the Vita gets the love.
I tried looking at the volume.dat from my install in various ways and so far it’s clear I have no idea how to even get to the extract it part.
I tried messing around with finding a way to get this mod ported back to the PC version but it became apparent quickly that I can’t even use the extractor tools the PC mod maker used. Is it possible to ask for you to give it a shot?
A lot of us want to play the PC version with more fun.
I tried messing around with finding a way to get this mod ported back to the PC version but it became apparent quickly that I can’t even use the extractor tools the PC mod maker used. Is it possible to ask for you to give it a shot?
A lot of us want to play the PC version with more fun.
I am not sure my posts get through. Last attempt for me.