Dragon Quest Heroes 2 [JP] (English mod patcher v0.90) [Vita]

(old video)

Dunno if I could still finish this, so I’ll just leave this here so some may have a look
at it and maybe continue to fix the ones I can’t or use this as a reference. Pretty much
most text and some images of the PC version is ported but a lot on in-game menu text is
cut-off, does not fit or overshoot the text window. Dialog seems fine… well most of it
anyways. Don’t know how to do eboot mods or disassemble the eboot to know which values to

So yeah, this project is kinda dead now due to technical difficulties or my incompetence
on Eboot disassembly / modding for the Vita. For those who are interested in continuing
this project, I still have some quickbms scripts I’ve made and some documentation on which
files are which between the PC and vita version and its G1T image format. Might be helpful
in creating better modding / editing tools.

Kinda forgot to give this game a version number, So now I’m officially calling it v0.90
english patch, reflecting how much of it was translated and the remaining 0.1 are the text
bugs and such.

What’s done in the v.90 beta patch:
※ All Story text
※ All menu text
※ All image text
※ FMV subtitles
※ All System text vita popup in-game

What’s not translated:
※ Very few texts that maybe I’ve missed.

※ Some miss aligned text
※ Some text overshooting the text window
※ Some text are very compact together
※ Some image text
※ If you got a C2-12828-1 error just delete eboot and self_auth.bin inside ux0:rePatch/PCSG00820
*But deleting this will revert the Japanese on the Character Name input screen.
*Not really an issue if you are planning on using the default character name.

※ Hacked Vita (Enso/h-encore)
※ Repatch plugin (installed on the Vita and verified working)
※ NoNpDrm plugin (installed on the Vita and verified working)
※ reF00D plugin (installed on the Vita and verified working)
※ Vitashell
※ FTP program (Winscp recommended)
※ This English patch

There are no full games here, Please do not make a request. If you cannot follow the instruction on how to dump and patch your own game, please check elsewhere like google or reddit for those pre-patched files.

Files linked are xdelta differences patch files, it does not contain games nor resembles game codes or contents and won’t function or usable on their own. You must have a hacked console to be able to dump your own game for these patch files to work and use the mods.

English windows xdelta patcher for rePatch

How to patch your game (Windows):
01. Install the Game on your Vita and also the game update v1.09
02. Test the game if it working fine.
03. Extract English patch archive to a folder. ex: “DQH2_patch”
04. Using Vitashell browse gro0:app/ (if cart) or ux0:app/ (if a PSN game)
05. Highlight the PCSG00820 folder and press Triangle -> then select Open decrypted
06. Press Select and connect Via FTP
07. Using your favorite FTP application on the PC, browse gro0:app/ (if cart)
or ux0:app/ (if a PSN game)
08. Copy PCSG00820 folder to the PC (DQH2_patch folder) and rename it to PCSG00820_base
09. Browse ux0:patch/
10. Highlight PCSG00820 folder and press Triangle -> then select Open decrypted
11. Again on FTP application on the PC, browse ux0:patch/
12. Copy PCSG00820 folder to the PC (DQH2_patch folder) and rename it to PCSG00820_update
13. Run patch_decrypted.bat and Press Y then ENTER and wait for it to finish patching

How to install:
1. Copy the contents of inside Copy_to_VITA_ux0 folder to your Vita’s ux0 folder, be sure to have NoNpDrm and rePatch plugin (v3.0) properly installed and working.
2. Run the game.

Additional Notes:
※ Checkout TheRadziu NoNpDRM-modding guide for more info about dumping decrypted vita files.
※ Tested on a Slim and Fat 3.68 h-encore and 3.65 Vita TV.
※ If there are major text bug’s and you want it fixed, contact me and send a screenshot of it or the text before or after the text bug.


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