Dragon Quest Builders [JP] (English mod patcher v0.9) [PS3]

This is just a Translation port from the assets of Vita version to the PS3 version which you could play on CFW PS3, ODE PS3, PS3 inject method and on RPS3 Emulator. Patch is still probably the final version, with super minor bugs. Okay this time I got the chance to finally played the game (for 6 times) and see all the bugs myself and hopefully fixed all of it. played and finished the game 6 times during testing and I hope everything all good. Special thanks to Zangetsu who convinced to continue porting at the game, since I’ve already drop the project a year ago (he’s also porting it to French) and Illynir who tested the patch from start to finish.

What’s Translated:
v0.7 (beta)
– Mostly all In-game menu, Images and dialogs stuffs
– Fixes Font files
– Added Accent characters on text input
– Fixed untranslated images
– Fixed Boss image names
– Fixed Item/recipe/building description
– Fixed Tutorials
– Use English icons for Save’s
– Fixed Dialog (most of it anyways :p)
– Made a separate English script patch for both female/male characters
– Fixes maybe other stuffs I forgot to mention

What’s not translated:
– EULA on online mode, (EULA for the English version is too damn long)
– Game title on PARAM.SFO remain in japanese (well you could easily edit it)
– Maybe small stuffs I’ve over looked and didn’t noticed
– Trophies remain in Japanese, I don’t think it’s a good idea to mess with it.

Known minor Bugs:
– Some buttons on character input screen for PS3 inject since no eboot mods on Retail (CFW/ODE PS3 are fine, more info, bellow)
– Some workstation name are too long that they overshoot the text window, but still readable
– Skill name is too long that they overshoot the text window, but still readable

Additional Notes:
This patch is compatible with Retail, CFW PS3, ODE PS3, PS3 inject method and on RPS3
Original 1.03 game update ‘build.psarc’ hash should be: 3fe9dbb1ce8e65df899479bd98474819
Patched 1.03 game update ‘build.psarc’ hash should be: 8fe92a3733320e13a4b5670fea52e0d8 (female script)
Patched 1.03 game update ‘build.psarc’ hash should be: 99d5ac50b43a7ca74d12b690cb19df92 (male script)
Original 1.03 decrypted EBOOT.ELF hash should be: 029de5790de15d6d986e75db4f7a7615
Patched 1.03 decrypted EBOOT.ELF hash should be: d8ef7bd6d5343634ca59d474db0bb7b3

There are no full games here, Please do not make a request. If you cannot follow the instruction on how to dump and patch your own game, please check elsewhere like google or reddit for those pre-patched files.

Files linked are xdelta differences patch files, it does not contain games nor resembles game codes or contents and won’t function or usable on their own. You must have a hacked console to be able to dump your own game for these patch files to work and use the mods.

[Link] English windows xdelta patcher v0.9 (2.31 MB)

How to Patch your game (Windows) and install the mod:
* Only tested on the Retail game [BLJM61311]

1. Run the Japanese game [BLJM61311] on your CFW PS3 and let it download the 1.03 game update and install.
2. Using multiman/FTP/usb, go to hdd0:/game/BLJM61311/USRDIR/ and copy the build.psarc to your PC
3. Rename build.psarc to build.psarc.orig
4. Run xdeltaUI and select “Apply Patch” tab
5. On Patch, select either “build.psarc_Female_english_script_v0.9.xdelta” or “build.psarc_Male_english_script_v0.9.xdelta
6. On Source file, select the build.psarc.orig
7. On Output file, save it on the same folder and name it to build.psarc
8. copy back the patched build.psarc to hdd0:/game/BLJM61311/USRDIR/ and raplace unpatched file
9. Run game.

1. Download the 1.03 game update
2. Install it on RPCS3 (File -> Install PKG)
3. Go to dev_hdd0\game\BLJM61311\USRDIR inside your RPCS3 directory.
4. Rename build.psarc to build.psarc.orig
5. Run xdeltaUI and select “Apply Patch” tab
6. On Patch, select either “build.psarc_Female_english_script_v0.9.xdelta” or “build.psarc_Male_english_script_v0.9.xdelta
7. On Source file, select the build.psarc.orig
8. On Output file, save it on the same folder and name it to build.psarc
9. Run game.

[Optional step for patching EBOOT.BIN]
1. Using multiman/FTP/usb, go to hdd0:/game/BLJM61311/USRDIR/ and copy the EBOOT.BIN to your PC
2. copy EBOOT.BIN to your ESSSE RESIGNER v4.5.4 folder
4. Select [A. Resign EBOOT] 5. A warning about with Free type NPDRM EBOOT will show up, just press any key to continue
6. The EBOOT.BIN will be decrypted to EBOOT.ELF in your ESSSE RESIGNER v4.5.4 folder (you mignt need to press F5 to refresh the screen)
8. Run xdeltaUI and select “Apply Patch” tab
9. On Patch, select either “EBOOT.ELF.xdelta
10. On Source file, select the EBOOT.ELF.ORIG
11. On Output file, save it on the same folder and name it to EBOOT.ELF
12. Select “Patch”
13. Back to ESSSE RESIGNER v4.5.4, select [2. Resign to FREE TYPE NPDRM 4.21] 14. On Compress Eboot You can select which ever you want but i personally use [2. NO] just so it would be the same size as the original
15. A new EBOOT.BIN will now be resigned
16. Copy that back to your hdd0:/game/BLJM61311/USRDIR/


*note delete the dev_hdd1\cache\NPJB00765_00 if you’ve played this game in the past on RPCS3 or updated to a newer version of the English patch so it will refresh the cache and any changes mods/mods updates will be reflected on the game and will not load this cache, which is still in Japanese.

*Use Multiman to load the game in Rebug CFW, since the game black screens on webman or try converting to iso and use webman

*also opening video is unskippable in the 1st time you play the game.

[Difference Between Patched and Unpatched EBOOT.BIN] 

Patched EBOOT
Unpatched EBOOT

That 3 buttons are the only difference, so its just optional to patch the eboot and you’re not missing much in the game.




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